Over time I have been fortunate enough to visit some fabulous places that have been so photogenic that even I have been pleased with the results.
Here are a couple of my favourites:

I am sure that, with practice, my new camera will enable me to take the occasional half-decent picture.
In my experience one has to try, try and try again. I doubt if I will ever be as consistently good as Uphilldowndale, but that is the standard to which I aspire.
Anyhow, with practice in mind, I nipped out to a local station last night last night to once again try the panoramic functionality of my new kit. Clearly I need to take a tripod next time, but nevertheless I am impressed with the ability of the software to stitch the images together.
As you can see, it was a bit quiet out in rural Buckinghamshire last night. And windy.

Nice little snaps there.
Thank you for your kind words!
I have only one remit, to have fun with my camera, with the blog I can share that fun
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