Friday, July 21, 2006

Central Line - Trainee Controller in Evening Peaks?

Sorry about the gap, almost as big as the one between the train and the platform at Bank.

Ealing Broadway, end of the Central Line. Two platforms.

Imagine... train in one platform. Another train arrives into second platform, train in first platform departs. New train arrives in first platform, train in second platform departs. And so on. It is not difficult and it's how any four year old child would organise their toy trains.

So [rant] why can't the Central Line Control Centre get it right?

In the last two weeks I have travelled into Ealing Broadway on three occasions in the evening peak. Twice, our train has sat outside the terminus while BOTH trains in the platforms have been allowed to depart. When it happened this week, not only did I miss my connecting train, but may I point out that standing for five minutes in direct sun, with an outside temperature of over 30 Degrees is not my idea of fun. [/rant]

Even the train driver mildly rebuked the line controller for causing an unnecessary delay. Ho hum.

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